Taguasco is a small agricultural town. A few small shops, one gas station, small homes, close together. Most homes were duplexes, side by side or up and down.
There were a few old, classic cars. Most people walked, some rode bicycles, quite a few used horse-drawn wagons, and motorcycles.
There was no municipal water. People depended on wells and large barrels on the roof for water or a water truck delivering water.
For a long time, the whole country has been experiencing rolling blackouts, with power out about 12 hours a day. Laundry is hung out to dry, sometimes on the roof.
Everyone was friendly and welcoming, saying “Hola” or “Buenos Dias” as I walked through town in the mornings.
I was here 8 years ago and again 4 years ago as well, staying for about a week each time. The purpose of the visits is to build relationships, to get to know one another.