Thanks-giving is good. Today is a day to be grateful.
If you ask a child to “give thanks” at the big meal, they might look around and say, “Thank you for the turkey and the mashed potatoes and the green beans … and for the pumpkin pie. Amen.”
We easily give thanks for food on the table and a roof over our heads. We give thanks for getting a property under contract or landing a new customer. We give thanks for a successful surgery. We give thanks for getting a good grade on a test.
Giving thanks to God for things is good. Gratitude is very important.
When I say above “Don’t give thanks for anything” I am really saying there is more, beyond the things, for which to be thankful.
There is a much deeper level of thanksgiving. Giving thanks to God for who God is.
Sure. Give thanks for what we have received. There is more. As the Psalmist says, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving… for God is good.”
Join me today giving thanks for the things God has given us and for who God is. God is gracious and kind, long-suffering, and abounding in steadfast love.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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